Event date
  • 2.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 2.50 ANCC
  • 2.50 Participation
COST: $30CREDIT: 2.5 CNE creditsLooking for the FREE (audit) version of this course (PARTICIPATION CREDIT ONLY)? It can be found here.What systems do school nurse managers use to ensure CSHS funds are utilized appropriately? 
The Transgender Introductory Primer is ideal for a variety of professionals in the helping and health professions, particularly mental health, social service and medical providers. During this training, participants will learn basic terminology and theory, how to ask for pronouns, health disparities facing the transgender community, resiliency factors, gender transition paths and support needs, and targeted best practices. Providers will have an opportunity following the training to list themselves in MaineTransNet's community health database.
  • 3.50 ANCC
  • 3.50 Participation
What key competencies are necessary to be a strong performing leader? What steps can I take to build these skills?
  • 2.00 ANCC
  • 2.00 Participation
This course includes a recording of the live session on 01/26/2022. Nursing credit is availableWhat actions should a school nurse take when a student discloses sexual abuse or assault?  This program will provide school nurses with best practice guidance when students make disclosures of sexual abuse/assault. This program will include information on appropriate actions based on what is known about the timing of the abuse/assault, mandated reporting, and access to resources including the MDPH Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program. 
  • 20.50 ANCC
  • 20.50 Participation
This 3-month virtual course has been designed to meet the professional development needs of experienced, new, and aspiring school nurse leaders in Massachusetts. Our expert faculty and collaborators will challenge and support you in enhancing your skills and building your identity as a leader.
  • 6.50 ANCC
  • 6.50 Participation
The world's health needs are changing - evolving day to day, sometimes even hour to hour. It is the role of public health to investigate pressing challenges and to develop meaningful interventions that improve conditions affecting population health. School nurses in Massachusetts and other locations should have a foundational knowledge in public health in order to be more effective health and wellness leaders in both their schools and communities.
  • 1.75 ANCC
  • 1.75 Participation
Do you feel prepared to meet the mental health needs of your LGBTQI students?This course is designed to help school health professionals reflect on the impact of COVID on LGBTQI youth while gaining a better understanding of current thinking about issues for this population. Participants will also learn about the effects of abuse vs support of LGBTQI youth and intersex conditions that may impact students
  • 2.00 ANCC
  • 2.00 Participation
What is the school enrollment process for refugee students? How do school nurses obtain necessary health records and support the health needs of incoming refugee students?The overall goal of this course is to provide school nurses with information about refugee resettlement, including the health screening and immunization process, and to describe resources they can access as they work to provide culturally appropriate health services to meet the varied health needs of these students.
  • 2.00 Participation
NOTE: This is the audit version of the refugee health recording. This version does not offer CNEs.What is the school enrollment process for refugee students? How do school nurses obtain necessary health records and support the health needs of incoming refugee students?
  • 1.00 ANCC
  • 1.00 Participation
What are the negative impacts of school exclusion on children with mental health challenges and their families? What is the MHAP for Kids Program?
