Medication Administration for Unlicensed Assistive Personnel


How do I safely administer medications to a student?

School nurses can assign (delegate) the administration of some medications or nursing tasks to be completed by unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) when the nurse will be unavailable to do so (e.g., during field trips).

This course describes the roles and responsibilities of UAPs in administering medications under the supervision of the school nurse. Scenarios are used to illustrate how to safely administer medications by applying the Five Rights of Medication Administration.

Upon completion, with a passing post-test score of 80% or better, learners will be prepared to demonstrate for the school nurse safe medication administration and documentation using the nine steps of medication administration. 

Target Audience

Unlicensed school personnel selected to administer medications under school nurse supervision, such as teachers or teaching assistants.

Learning Objectives

 After completing the training, the learner will be able to:

  • Apply the 5 Rights of Medication Administration
  • Identify at least two examples of a medication error
  • Provide at least three examples of when to consult with the School Nurse
  • Be prepared to demonstrate the safe administration and documentation of medication using the nine steps of medication administration
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Participation
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


This course takes about an hour to complete and contains a quiz.


United States



Beverly Heinze-Lacey, MPH,BSN, RN

Director, BU SHIELD



Jill Connolly, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN

Medication Administration Program Nurse Advisor



Picture of Susan Franchi, wearing a black top

Susan Franchi, DNP, FNP-C, RN

SHIELD Course Development and Nurse Training Specialist

SHIELD Program Manager: Lesly Zapata, MPH



Participation credit and a certificate will be provided

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Participation

Register/Take course

Please login or register to take this course.
Please email or call 617.358.5005 with any technical, content, and/or payment questions.



This material is copyrighted by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH).  MDPH grants permission for use of these materials for non-commercial educational use only, provided credit is given to the MDPH.  Modification of content is permitted only with prior approval of the MDPH School Health Unit.

Special Services / Dietary Needs

Boston University strives to be accessible, inclusive and diverse in our facilities, programming and academic offerings. Your experience in this event is important to us. If you have a disability, require communication access services for the deaf or hard of hearing, or believe that you require a reasonable accommodation for another reason please contact the BUSM-CME Office at least 3 weeks prior to event to discuss your needs.  Please contact us at

Required Hardware/software

If you have any technical help/password questions or questions regarding course payment, email

Technical requirements for accessing online courses:

Operating SystemWindows XP–Windows 11, Mac OS X 10.8 or greater
ProcessorIntel Core 2 or Pentium 4, 2-GHz or higher
Memory2 GB of RAM or higher
BrowserBrowser with pop-up blocker disabled: Google Chrome v39 or later, Mozilla Firefox v34 or later, Internet Explorer v8 or later, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari v6 or later.
Sound Card / SpeakersThis course does use audio. Closed captioning is available.
Monitor / Video CardSVGA or better (capable of at least 1024 X 768 resolution, 16-bit graphics)