Submitted by Katherine Davis on
The Massachusetts Chapter of the American Nurses Association had a Summit Addressing Racism and the Workforce on Friday, April 16th. The Massachusetts School Nurses Association (MSNO) had a table set up at the Summit. Representing MSNO was Roselaine Charlucien-Koech, School Nurse at Boston Public Schools, MSNO President Cathryn Hampson, Supervisor of Health Services with the North Middlesex Regional School District, and MSNO NASN Liaison Shanyn Toulouse, Northeast Region School Nurse Consultant working out of Haverhill Public Schools. Representing the Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses (MAPHN) was Jessica Tracey, Dedham Public Health Nurse, and Caitlin Pettengill, Assistant Director of MA DPH School Health Services.
Check out these great resources presented at the Summit: